How to Eliminate or Clear Backlog?

Sometimes you missed your School or classes. There could be any reason -Whether you were sick  or went somewhere . You just fell behind. This creats a Study backlog which is a  both concerning and difficult to cure. You must first prepare a list of what you need to do and a study schedule that you can follow consistently. You must utilize your free time to clear the backlog. Do not hesitate to take the help of  your professors, classmates, friends, or tutors . Always prepare yourself in advance to stay away from these kind of situations.

Develop the following plan of action to complete the pending work .

  1. Do not panic. Stay calm. Panicking or cursing yourself over current situation will achieve a little. Instead, focus on your actions and mind. Repeat to yourself, “I can do this,” while taking a few deep breaths. Think about the similar situation when you faced a difficulty and win it.
  2. Make a list of your assignments and their details. Gather all of your contents / syllabus and assignment sheets. Make another list of your exam date or assignment due date and post this list somewhere visible so that you can keep track of due dates and also mark off assignments as they are completed. (If you are under a lot of stress, it may be helpful to create a general “to-do” list at the same time.)
  3. Now tackle your workload in an organised way . Prioritize your workload. Mark down the list according to your preference . You will want to take into account the due date, the difficulty level of the task, the grade’s weight in your final average, and your individual confidence level in each area.

For example if you got lesser marks in any subject or your notes for a topic are not strong , you must give them more time to resolve these weakness.

  1. Prepare a realistic study schedule. Give more time to the subject in which you are weaker or which needs more practice. But take out time for each and every subject.

---Try not to overexert yourself. Make sure to keep your study sessions between 30 minutes to 2 hours long. Add in short breaks in between sessions. Keep the sessions shorter for more difficult material.

---Think about what you do during the day and look for ways to free up additional time. For example, if you get free time in school then try to go to library.

---Realize that with your schedule in place you may have to say “no” to taking on additional responsibilities. Put your study needs first place whenever possible.

  1. Organise your notes and study material . Place them all together at home at one place so that you need not to waste your time to search them again and again. Make proper notebook or use binder instead of using loose sheets for making notes.
  2. Maximise your study time. Collect your extra studymateial in advance to avoid the time wastage. And look for the quiet place for study because the noisy place will not allow you to concentrate.

During study hours , remove all your distractions. For example , switch off your phone which will resist the urge of using internet , social media or unnecessary phone calls.

  1. Stay motivated. Self motivation is the best . But if you are unable to be self motivated , then look for a study partner so that you both share your knowledge and apply different strategies to study.

If required , you can hire a tutor to enhance your knowledge.

  1. Do not hesitate to take the help of your classmates , seniors or your teachers. Ask them for their advice. Tell them that you are a bit behind and ask for their assistance in crafting a plan to catch up and do well.
  2. Exercise daily and eat healthy. Proper nutrition and physical activity can enhance your mood, give you more energy, and improve your focus. Take out  a little time for exercise every day, even if it’s just a 15-minute walk. Aim to eat protein, fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates like oats , quinoa each day to keep your mind and body strong as well.


Try to avoid creating  similar situation in the future by maintaining your study calendar even after you’ve clear your backlog. Every week write down your new assignments and update your schedule as needed. Take the help of your family and friends to maintain your study pace and accountability.



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